The Biology Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (UB), located in Malang City, East Java Province, began to provide education and teaching to undergraduate (bachelor) students since August 1987. The formation of the Biology Study Program was stipulated by the Decree of the Directorate-General of Higher Education No.22/DIKTI/Kep/1989.
The vision of the Biology Study Program is that in 2039 it will become an exemplary study program in providing undergraduate Biology education in accordance with the best international standards through research and participating in the development of modern biology concepts for the preservation of biodiversity and human welfare, which supports sustainable global development.
- Organizing undergraduate biology education, who understands the concepts of modern biology and bioconservation, has good academic integrity, lifelong learning, and is able to work together professionally.
- Educate students to have sensitivity to solving problems related to biology while still paying attention to safety and bioethics, practical skills, capable of supervising research and development of biology.
- Educate students to be able to work in teams and learn with independence to apply methods and disseminate research results, support solving problems in the community, and take advantage of business opportunities related to the field of Biology.
GRADUATE PROFILE The Bachelor’s degree programme Biology (BPB) aims to produce graduates who are able to compete at national and international levels in the fields of education (lecturers/teachers/researchers/advanced studies), industry, community pioneers, bio-entrepreneurs. They are expected to have the following competencies by each graduate profile as follows:
- Researchers, able to play an active role in developing science in the field of Biology, have sensitivity to recognize various problems related to technological developments and the environment and are able to provide consultations for planning, implementing, and monitoring in use of natural resources, conservation, and others.
- Community pioneer who is able to have concern for biodiversity based on the principles of scientific research.
- Educators/teacher who is able to carry out the task of developing science and human resources through education. Additional certificate is necessary for becoming a teacher, especially in public schools. The graduates require completing an additional course and receive a certification that can be taken at other institutions.
- Industrial or government employee who is able to control product quality, waste treatment, preservation of natural resources, and their management.
- Bio-entrepreneur who is able to create jobs related to the field of biology.
- Postgraduate students who are able to continue their studies to a further level to develop knowledge.
This graduate profile is the result of a tracer study of BPB alumni and job market prospects. Tracer studies are conducted by either the university ( or the Department of Biology every five years, but the data is updated annually. The latest tracer study for 2014-2019 graduates showed that of the 194 alumni tracked, 96% were employed. Type of occupation: Alumni who work as researchers (3%), industry or government employees (46%), educators/teachers (9%), bio-entrepreneurs (10%), and postgraduate students (28%). GOALS The BPB has designed a study program objective called the Program Learning Outcome to achieve this graduate profile. The objective of the BPB is to produce graduates who:
- Fear God Almighty, understand the concepts of Modern Biology and Bioconservation, have good academic integrity, be a lifelong learner, able to work together professionally and compete at the international level.
- Have sensitivity to a problem and be able to solve it by using methods related to the concepts of Modern Biology and Bioconservation to encourage sustainable development.
- Have an entrepreneurial spirit, able to communicate, appreciate cultural diversity and empower the community through the application of Modern Biology and Bioconservation innovations.
The purpose of this study program is in line with the vision and mission of the Department of Biology, which emerged from the community’s need and awareness to develop modern biological concepts for biodiversity conservation and welfare.
Based on the vision, mission and objectives, Bachelor Program in Biology has the following performance targets:
- The realization of the implementation of undergraduate biology education through enjoyable and high-quality learning at an international level.
- Efficient in educating students and producing excellent graduates, who have an understanding in the fields of Modern Biology and Bioconservation, able to play a real role and work together to solve problems around them and develop the nation in a sustainable manner.
- Be productive in gaining appreciation at national and international levels for the work of students and graduates in the application of Modern Biology and Bioconservation innovations, entrepreneurship and community empowerment.